Despite progress in understanding cancer and disfiguring conditions, many patients still face limited treatment options, high treatment costs, and poor outcomes.
There is a critical need to advancing the scientific understanding of these diseases, to achieve a step-change in developing effective therapies that improve patient outcomes.
Gillies McIndoe Research Institute is conducting innovative research, turning scientific discoveries into effective therapies for cancer and disfiguring conditions.
Their aspiration is to make treatment less invasive, more equitable and affordable, to reduce the physical, emotional, and financial burdens of the affected individuals and their families.
Accordingly, the Lindsay Foundation is delighted to partner with Gillies McIndoe on the phase II clinical trial on glioblastoma (the most common and aggressive form of brain cancer).
"We are very grateful to Lindsay Foundation for their support that triggers the tipping point giving us confidence to get the phase II clinical trial on glioblastoma off the ground, "says Dr Tan, Founder and Chair of the Gillies McIndoe Research Institute Board.