The National Foundation for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (NFDHH) is a national organisation representing over 880,000 New Zealanders affected by hearing loss. The Foundation has served the Deaf & hard of hearing community for more than 42 years.
Their key areas of focus are, awareness, education, prevention and social support. In 2019 the Foundation launched the Make Listening Safe Awareness Programme across three secondary schools, the programme primarily targeting the youth demographic (13 – 14 years old) with a hearing disability. In 2020 the programme was extended to a further eight secondary schools. Approximately 881 Year-9 students received hearing checks.
In 2021 NFDHH is delivering this programme at twenty secondary schools across eight regions nationwide. Funding from the Lindsay Foundation will enable NFDHH to extend the Hearing Screening and Make Listening Safe Awareness Programme to a further five secondary schools in 2022.
We are proud to assist the NFDHH team and be a part of the ‘Hear for You’ team.