Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand (LBC) is the only national charity dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients and families living with a blood cancer such as leukaemia, myeloma and lymphoma as well as serious blood conditions. Established over 40 years ago, LBC has grown to meet the needs of the 8 Kiwis a day - adults and children - who will receive the devastating news that they have a blood cancer.
One of the aims of LBC is to provide resources with a health literacy lens. The Lindsay Foundation has partnered with LBC to produce a blood cancer resource for young people. Emma Barker, LBC’s Head of Support Services says: “We are extremely grateful to have received funding for this valuable resource for our adolescent and young adult patient cohort.” My Guide to Blood Cancer will have a focus on wellbeing, survivorship and living well into the future with blood cancer.
We are delighted to partner with Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ and assist with delivering this valuable resource.