Canteen’s mission is to be in the corner of every young person whose life is impacted by cancer.
Set up in 1988, Canteen has evolved throughout the years but retains the original vision of being youth-led, with rangatahi members involved not just as recipients of our services, but also as active participants in both service evaluation and design.
In conjunction with the Canteen Australia team, Canteen Aotearoa has developed a “Robot” programme with the specific aim of reducing isolation whilst meeting educational and social needs. The programme involves an innovative piece of teleconferencing technology that enables young people to attend school from their hospital bed. These robots providing young cancer patients a way to stay connected to school, friends and whanau, this in turn helps to improve their coping skills and build resilience that will last them a lifetime.
The Lindsay Foundation is delighted to assist with the funding of 6 Kubi Robots.
"We are really grateful to the Lindsay Foundation for supporting our innovative robot programme. The Kubi robots ensure that rangatahi with cancer stay connected to their classrooms, schoolwork, and peers while undergoing treatment. This reduces isolation and makes for a smoother transition back to school."
Nick Laing, CEO Canteen Aotearoa.