Founded in 1990, Kidney Kids NZ looks after the care of children with chronic kidney disease. Unlike many other chronic illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease, kidney diseases are often silent and of an insidious onset. The affected children (and their families) are frequently unprepared for major upheavals, accordingly this can place a huge strain on families, parents and other children.
Kidney Kids works to assist with emergency resources for many of these families whilst their children are receiving treatment in Starship. The support that Kidney Kids provides in these difficult times is absolutely invaluable.
The Lindsay foundation is thrilled to be able to assist by providing kidney transplant kids with a smart watch to act as a reminder to take their medications on time. This is crucial to ensure the timed release of immune-suppressants and steroids. There are currently 51 Kidney kids participating with 5 to 10 new transplants each year.